Our ecosystem aims to realise 1.000.000 square metres within the Doughnut and rewild an equal amount of nature by 2030. 


In our mission to create a better future, we have scaled up some of our most successful and innovative ideas and projects into new businesses and platforms. Each of them is committed to improving a different facet of the built environment: architecture and urban planning (Space&Matter), real estate development (Common City), bottom-up co-living initiatives (CrowdBuilding), biobased, modular construction (Boombuilds) and the restoration of nature (Sumowala). Together, then, the companies form one ecosystem capable of enacting meaningful change across various sectors and scales. Our joint mission is to realise 1.000.000 square metres within the Doughnut and rewild an equal amount of nature by 2030. Read more about our mission and our plans for getting there in this interview.

Common City Development

Common City Development develops buildings, neighbourhoods and places in an innovative, fair and sustainable way. Our projects make a positive contribution to a healthy society and planet. Circularity, community and innovation are key tenets of all that they do.
Learn more about Common City Development


“Passionate about circularity, community-living and innovation, we apply an integral approach to the development of healthy neighbourhoods.”

— Marthijn Pool, co-founder Common City Development
Spectrum | De Omval

Boom builds

To tackle housing shortages and climate change, we need to rethink why, how and what we build. BoomBuilds is a gateway that allows innovative real estate developers and architects to realise new ways of living in a circular and scalable manner. It offers predictable and high returns on investments, reduced risks and a happy, healthy living environment.
Learn more about Boom Builds

Firmly embedded in the historic Nimmerdor forest in Amersfoort, Common Woods redefines what it means for people to live in harmony with nature.

“Our mission is to restore the balance between architectonic freedom, circularity and affordability.”

— Marthijn Pool, co-founder BoomBuilds
Common Woods
All houses in Common Woods are built using pre-fabricated, sustainable timbers panels.


CrowdBuilding is the platform for collective housing developments in the Netherlands. This online platform aspires to make living fair, more sustainable, and community oriented. Here you can connect with like-minded people and experts to realise your (shared) living dream.
Learn more about Crowdbuilding
CrowdBuilding brings together citizens around collective housing concepts and shared values

“The Netherlands will become a better place if more people design, develop and live in their own homes.”

— Tjeerd Haccou, co-founder CrowdBuilding
With a building group, you can turn an authentic building into a sustainable living space
When citizens join forces to develop and manage their own communities, the possibilities are endless


Sumowala (Sun-Moon-Water-Land) is a social enterprise that offers immersive nature experiences near cities. Sumowala converts farmland or production forests into nature reserves where a maximum of 5% of the land is used for small-scale recreational accommodation. Sumowala’s guiding principles are circularity and inclusion, and it has set an ambitious goal: to create thousands of hectares of new nature and set up a thriving network of small-scale places to stay across Europe.
Learn more about Sumowala

“We look for nature and relaxation in faraway places, but we disrupt natural systems to get there. Our dream is to establish a vibrant network of small-scale places to stay near cities across Europe.”

— Ernestien Idenburg, co-founder Sumowala
Sumowala is a social enterprise that offers immersive nature experiences near cities.
Sumowala is a social enterprise that offers immersive nature experiences near cities.