Enrichment, connection and greening
The process began with a number of vision-making workshops in which representatives of the City of Amsterdam, the area’s property owners, local inhabitants and other key stakeholders were brought together to share their ideas about the future. As a result, the whitepaper “Hart van Noord” (literally “The heart of the North”) was drafted, which outlines the most important priorities and considerations for redevelopment.
Based on the given input, three themes emerged that shape and connect the master plan: enrichment, connection and greening. Enrichment refers to the desire to transform Buikslotermeerplein, now known mostly for its iconic mall, into a vibrant, mixed-use city centre with diverse possibilities to eat, drink, play and learn. Connection means that we look for ways to connect the mall to its surrounding areas, making it an attractive place for all people to meet and spend time. Greening encapsulates the wish to add colour and life in the shape of diverse flora and fauna to make this entire area healthier.

Change in increments
A working group convened to study and then define how street life, public spaces, ground floor programming, new building volumes and historic buildings can be thought of and planned together. We developed the guidelines for the municipality by which they could successfully undertake the desired transformation. Influenced by the diverse needs of all parties involved and the three core values outlined above, we developed a step-by-step approach for the redevelopment of Buikslotermeerplein.
To facilitate a smooth transition, we divided Buikslotermeerplein into three segments. Each sub-area has its own accents and interpretations of the program. To realise a successful transformation, shopkeepers, landowners and the municipality have to join forces. When they do, Buikslotermeerplein will become more lively and green, step by step.